WAC SSL Certificate
To function on WAC networks, all students are required to install the College SSL certificate on their device.
For guides on how to properly install the certificate on your device, please refer to the guides page. Please select the appropriate download link below to download and install the certificate: Windows Mac
Recommended software for use on your device
Students need to have software that will allow them to access, view, and create documents and undertake various other learning tasks. All the necessary software is detailed below and is available free to educational students.
Links to download the software are in the following table:

Web Browser - Google Chrome Download Here
PDF Reader- Adobe Acrobat Download Here
Productivity Software - Microsoft Office - Access via student cloud site (need to log in)

Students going into Year 7 will not be able to access this until after the first day of Term 1

Every student will need to have software or applications that allow them to complete basic tasks such as word processing, graphing and creating presentations. Students can use either Microsoft Office 365 or Google apps to do this. The College will provide each student with a Microsoft Account which will allow students to download Microsoft Office 365 for free. The Google apps suite of productivity software is web based and can be used on any device.
A pdf showing you how to access your Office 365 account can be downloaded Here

Audio / Video Software - VLC Player

A suitable audio and video application will be required. Due to the wide range of video types which exist, we strongly recommend that the free program VLC Player is installed in addition to those already installed on the device (eg QuickTime, Microsoft Media Player) as it can open and view many different forms of video.

Anti-Virus Software

Up-to-date Anti-Virus Software is a "must have" to keep your child's own files and other students' files safe. Please ensure that only ONE anti-virus product is installed
If required, choose one of the free offerings listed here

Maths Software - Geogebra Classic for Windows & Mac

Follow the link to download the required version of Geogebra classic from the Geogebra website

Geogebra website
Music Software - for Windows & Mac

Follow the link to download the required music software

HSIE Software - for Windows & Mac

Follow the link to download the required HSIE software

Google Earth
Science Software - for Windows & Mac

Follow the link to download the required Science software

Vernier Graphical Analysis
Vernier Logger lite
CANVAS Lockdown Browser

Follow the link to download the Lockdown browser used by CANVAS

Respondus Browser
Optional software for use on your device- as required
The following software may not be required by all students, and should be installed as directed by your class teacher

Adobe Creative Cloud- For Windows and Mac

The College has a limited number of BYOD licenses that can be used by students who require this software for their areas of study To gain access to this, students need to request a license via their class teacher. After this is done, simply follow the guide.

Adobe Creative Cloud BYOD install guide (PDF)
TAS Software - for Windows & Mac

Follow the link to download the required TAS software

Autodesk software: create a free Autodesk account using your College email address to gain access to Autodesk software.
Create Autodesk student account

CircuitBlocks: graphical programming interface for embedded programming
NAPLAN Locked Down Browser - for Windows & Mac. Updated 2/2024

Please click the link that corresponds to your computer's operating system. Uninstall any previous versions first

Windows - v5.6.15 Mac - v5.7.1
NESA Locked Down Browser - for Windows & Mac. Updated 2/2024

Used for Minimum standards testing, and Science Ext. HSC Exam Please click the link that corresponds to your computer's operating system. Uninstall any previous versions first

Windows Mac: MacOS 10.11 and above